Community Partners – Corporate Social Responsibility Policy
As a responsible business, CP believe that the long-term future of the organisation is best served by respecting the interests of all our stakeholders: Employees, clients, candidates, suppliers and the wider community. We actively look for opportunities to improve the environment and to contribute to the wellbeing of the communities in which we trade. Our CSR policy sets out the principles we follow and the programmes we have developed to focus on the areas where we have significant impact or influence.
We will take all reasonable steps to manage our operations so as to minimise our environmental impact and to promote good environmental practice. We’ll review regularly our business practices and performance to identify how we can improve our energy efficiency and minimise waste.
We will build relationships with our clients, candidates, suppliers and the local communities. We will work with local charitable and voluntary organisations to put this into practice. We will update our website for reasons of transparency.
We will conduct our business relationships with integrity and respect our trading commitments. Our aim is to build long-term relationships with all. We are committed to trading fairly with all of our clients, candidates and suppliers.
We will respect our employees and encourage their development and training. We will promote equality as differences in responsibilities permit and consider the interests of our employees including their welfare, health and safety. We aim to empower our employees and we will recognise individual contributions and reward everyone fairly.
As a minimum, we will meet or exceed all relevant legislation. Where no legislation exists we will seek to develop and implement our own appropriate standards.
Community Partners Modern Slavery Policy
CP is committed to eliminating modern slavery, human trafficking, forced labour, and similar human rights abuses.
CP is committed to ensuring that its staff and any workers it supplies (directly or indirectly) are not subject to behaviour or threats that may amount to modern slavery, human trafficking, forced labour, and similar human rights abuses.
CP provides appropriate training and awareness information for its staff.
In particular:
Our leadership team receive detailed training in identifying and resolving concerns around modern slavery and human trafficking.
All of our staff receive awareness-raising information around issues involving modern slavery and human trafficking, so that they can bring any concerns they have to the attention of management.
Any staff, workers or other parties are strongly encouraged to report any concerns or suspicions that they might have to the Managing Partner or CEO.
Reports surrounding these issues are taken extremely seriously by our leadership team, who are committed to ensuring that all investigations shall be prompt and effective. If our investigations reveal any issues, we are committed to taking appropriate action, including but not limited to:
Working with the appropriate organisations to improve standards.
Removing that organisation from our preferred supplier list.
Passing details to appropriate law enforcement bodies.
We regularly monitor our risks in this area through the use of relevant key performance indicators, including:
The percentage of suppliers who sign up to an appropriate code / provide their own modern slavery statements,
The effectiveness of enforcement against suppliers who breach policies.
The level of modern slavery training and awareness amongst our staff.
As part of our efforts in this area, we publish a modern slavery statement on an annual basis.
We would also recommend reading this in conjunction with our other policies, including our:
Corporate social responsibility policy, and
Anti-bribery / corruption policy.