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Men's Mental Health Awareness Month | Community Partner

In recognition of Men's Mental Health Week (10th - 16th June) and Men's Mental Health Awareness Month, Community Partners has engaged in meaningful conversations with some of our male partners and advisors about their experiences and insights on mental health. This month we will share their responses to the questions we posed to shed light on the importance of mental wellbeing among men.

Today, we share a response from one of our Community Partners who has asked to remain anonymous.

Why is men's mental health an important issue to focus on in the workplace, especially during Men's Mental Health Awareness Month?

Partner: Men are less likely to express their feelings as this is somehow seen as un-masculine.

How can workplaces/businesses better support men's mental health? Are there specific programmes or initiatives that have proven to be effective in your experience?

Partner: A psychological safe space within the workplace is an important enabler. Focusing on men’s health in relation to wellness is a good place to start, as it attracts men to participate in group activities and this can lead to the breaking down of barriers in relation to mental health.

As a consultant/executive, what advice would you give to men who are currently dealing with mental health issues in their professional lives?

Partner: It is important to recognise this as early as possible and seek help from your occupational health service, as they provide confidential advice and can recommend counsellors. This is the route I utilised when I was experiencing bullying at work. In addition, I also confided in friends and sought their opinion, as I wanted to be sure I was not imagining that I was being bullied.

We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to the Community Partner for his contribution and for sharing his views on men's mental health. His insights and advice offer great value in understanding the challenges and importance of mental wellbeing among men.

Stay tuned for more interviews and discussions throughout Men's Mental Health Awareness Month. Let's continue to break the stigma and support one another. If you would like to share your experience or advice, please get in touch with Saira.

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